Education Policy Positions
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- Overview
- Public Schooling
- Federal Role in Public Education
- Compulsory Schooling
- School Choice
- Vouchers
- Standardized Testing
- Affirmative Action
- No Child Left Behind Act, ESEA & ESSA
- STAAR Testing
- Charter School "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law
- Charter School Authorizing
- UIL Athletics & Charter Schools
- Released Time Education for Sex Ed. & Religious Instruction
- Social Justice Classrooms
- LGBTQ Students and Athletic Competition
- Richard Rickey
- Compulsory Schooling
Compulsory Schooling
We should gradually sunset compulsory education laws that force children to receive only government-approved curriculum and formal schooling. At the same time, we should allow all teachers, and school institutions, the freedom to choose who they want to educate. Educators should be granted the same rights as parents in choosing what educational relationship they will accept. School setting discipline problems will disappear as repeated problem behaviors exhibited by some “customers” are no longer tolerated. The education supplier is free to fire the customer who is not worth the expenditure of the supplier’s effort. These new voluntary associations will dramatically improve student achievement for those students who want to learn and freely choose to attend school. Teacher morale will improve, and educators will become a valued commodity again, as they should be. The school culture will once again promote real learning and creativity, as most classroom disruptions and distractions have been removed. Oh, but what about all those children no longer forced to attend a government approved school? Children will still learn. Not all learning takes place in formal schooling. Some will be home schooled. Vocational schools will begin to be valued again. Some of these children will look for work and enroll in the “school of hard knocks”. For many of these children, they will be better off in the long run learning a trade earlier in life rather than wasting time sitting in a classroom struggling to learn algebra. What about those children with special needs? I predict that in a free education market where the tax dollar follows the child, there will be numerous new educational services springing up to meet this need. Overall, more children in our communities will benefit from ending these laws. I would begin a roll-back of compulsory schooling laws to the following: No compulsory schooling until the child reaches age seven, and ending compulsory schooling after eighth grade. We can roll this out over time community by community, while further reducing the years of compulsory schooling.